Physics - Separate Science

The aims of the course are to enable the students to:

  • learn about the unifying patterns and themes of physics
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of physical facts, concepts and principles
  • appreciate the practical nature of physics, developing experimental and investigative skills based on correct and safe laboratory techniques
  • appreciate the importance of accurate experimental work and reporting as scientific methods
  • develop a logical approach to problem solving in a wider context
  • evaluate, in terms of their scientific knowledge and understanding, the benefits and drawbacks of real-life applications of science, including their everyday, industrial and environmental aspects
  • select, organise and present information clearly and logically, using appropriate scientific terms and conventions
  • prepare for more advanced courses in physics and for other courses which require them to have a knowledge of physics.


Course overview

YearMichaelmas TermLent TermTrinity Term
9Density and change of state

Energy Transfer

Movement and Position

Basic Electrical Circuits

Magnetism and Electromagnets

Properties of waves

Motion in the Universe

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

10Forces, Movement and Shape

Hooke's Law and Moments



Electric Charge

Fission and Fusion

Advanced Electricity

Energy Resources

Specific Heat Capacity

11Work and Power



Light and Sound

Ideal Gases

Stellar Evolution




Paper 1

2 hours – 61% of total mark (110 marks)

Paper 2

75 mins – 39% of total mark (70 marks)