Biology - Separate Science

The aims of the course are to enable the students to:

  • learn about the unifying patterns and themes of biology· acquire knowledge and understanding of biological facts, concepts and principles and the skills needed to use them in new and changing situations.
  • appreciate the practical nature of biology, developing experimental and investigative skills based on correct and safe laboratory technique.
  • appreciate the importance of accurate experimental work and reporting as scientific methods
  • sustain and develop an enjoyment of, and interest in, the study of living organisms.
  • evaluate, in terms of their biological knowledge and understanding, the benefits and drawbacks of real-life applications of science, including their everyday, industrial and environmental aspects.
  • select, organise and present information clearly and logically, using appropriate scientific terms and conventions.

Please follow this link for further details of the course:

Course Overview


Michaelmas term

Lent term

Trinity term


Cell structure and organisation

Movement of substances into and out of cells

Variety of living things

Biological molecules

Human nutrition

Respiration in living organisms

Gas exchange in humans


Plant nutrition

Transport in plants

Transport in humans

Excretion in humans

Co-ordination in humans

Co-ordination in plants

Reproduction in plants

Reproduction in humans


Ecology and the environment


Biological resources:

Food production

Selective breeding, genetic modification and cloning

IGCSE Exam preparation


Paper 1

2 hours – 61.1% of total mark (110 marks)

Paper 2

1 hour 15 minutes – 38.9% of total mark (70 marks)