• Dance 


AQA GCSE Dance Options Presentation

Creativity is not just for artists. It’s for business people looking for a new way to close a sale; it’s for engineers trying to solve a problem; it’s for parents who want their children to see the world in more than one way. This creativity does not just happen. It stems from regularly engaging in problem solving techniques and thinking outside boxes. Letting go of fear.

Twyla Tharp

Why choose GCSE Dance?


Dance is a powerful and expressive subject which encourages students to develop their creative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacity, whatever their previous experience in the subject. Dance is a powerful and empowering form of non- verbal communication and it is both physical and expressive, which makes it similar to and different from other art forms and physical activities. Dance develops creative, imaginative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacities.

The AQA specification recognises the role of dance in young people’s lives and students will study a range of dance styles and style fusions. Apart from the solo performance, they can choose any style in which to perform and choreograph, providing it meets the assessment criteria.

Work will focus on the aesthetic and artistic qualities of dance and the symbolic use of movement to express and communicate ideas and concepts through the interrelated processes of performance, choreography and appreciation. 

Course Aims

  • learn to choreograph, perform and appreciate dance as an art form

  • inform their development as creative and artistic individuals and broaden their aesthetic,

    social and cultural experience through a holistic engagement with dance

  • creative and imaginative response to a range of stimuli

  • use of imagination, problem solving, creativity and the synthesis of ideas

  • application of knowledge, skills and understanding of choreographic forms and devices

  • communication of ideas, feelings, emotions, meanings and moods.

  • application of knowledge, skills and understanding of performing

  • development of physical, technical, mental and expressive skills

  • communication of choreographic intention and artistry.

  • articulation of knowledge and critical reflection to inform artistic practice

  • critical appreciation of dance in its physical, artistic, aesthetic and cultural contexts

  • critical analysis, interpretation, evaluation and appreciation of professional dance works.


Click here to access the AQA GCSE Dance website and syllabus.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What will we study? 
You will explore different dance styles ranging from ballet to Hip Hop within the professional works. You will also learn to perform two set phrases in the contemporary style.  You will also learn how to choreograph your own pieces and analyse a range of professional works.

2. Why choose GCSE Dance?

In dance you develop skills that you never would in another subject. Studying dance as a mode of communication other than spoken word develops abstract thought and problem solving skills. Students in dance develop the confidence to present themselves in front of others. 

GCSE Dance will give you the opportunity to attend workshops with experts. You will also go to theatre trips, performances and competitions. You will be involved in a number of performances such as the dance showcase, celebration assemblies and other events. 

3. Do I need to be an experienced dancer?

No, you don't. All you need is a passion for movement and dance. Throughout the course, you will develop the skills needed to be the best dancer you can be.

4. Can I also study Drama or another Arts Subject?

Yes you can. However remember to try and achieve overall breadth in your subject choices.

5. What if I have more questions?

Please feel free to contact Ms Aileen Morrison at:
