1-2-1 Coaching - Ethos & Guidance

Benefits of keeping a 'Reflection Journal'

IB Diploma Students in Years 12 and 13 should be taking responsibility for their learning and, with support and a toolbox of explicitly taught skills, be able to  make decisions about how they are learning and how to improve their level of performance.

One suggestion we make to the students is that they find a way of maintaining a 'reflection journal'. A Reflection Journal is simply a way for students to record and communicate their ability to understand this metacognitive process to themselves, their teachers and their parents. All students are encouraged to keep a Reflection Journal in a format of their own choice, sharing it with their teachers, tutor, IB Coordinator and Head of Year as they see fit.

Why are students reflecting on their learning?

If students do not reflect (the act of bending backwards) they will not be able to fully understand their learning and so take responsibility for it. Unless students learn to reflect correctly and in depth - they will often reflect in a superficial manner and come up with simple statements that they "need to work harder" to improve which is not very helpful to them. Our process is set to ensure they focus in more depth and clarity on how they are working and how to improve.

School Support for reflections

Tutors, IB Teachers and the USS Administration team will  support students in the keeping of a reflection journal to ensure that they:

  • Show considered reflection
  • Consider their skills according to the ATL framework
  • Utilise the scaffolds and support provided
  • Set focused targets for improvement

How will the reflection process work?

  • Students will collate feedback on their work and progress from their subject teachers, CAS supervisors, tutors, TOK teacher, EE supervisor etc. They will then consider and share this feedback in discussion with their tutor in their bi-weekly 'Coaching Tutorials'. Their tutor will help them identify the key areas of focus and subsequent targets for action and development.
  • Students can comment on their performance in the subject related to a specific ATL area and a specific skill that they have focused on in that subject.
  • Students will be guided on the setting of goals for improvement that are SMART (Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time Based)
  • Students will be encouraged to frame reflections around the following scaffolds (note there is a student support document that gives more examples below) :-
    • I feel good about…
    • I used to… but now I…
    • Two things I will remember about what I have learnt over the last 6 months are…
    • A strategy that really helped me learn better is…
    • If I could do something again differently, I would…
    • One thing I will remember to do in the future is…
    • One thing I really want to learn is...

Reflections can also be based around the following themes/questions:

Increasing awareness of strengths and areas for growth

  • What are my strengths and weaknesses? How have I addressed these in my ongoing work/study?

Undertaking new challenges

  • Did I take on a new challenge? Did I try an unfamiliar activity or aim to extend an existing one?

Planning and initiating activities

  • Did I get involved in any of the planning, coordinating or initiating of any of my learning experiences in this subject?

Working collaboratively with others

  • Did I commit, and contribute to, the work/success of a team or study group?

Showing perseverance and commitment

  • Did I attend fully commit to my studies in this subject? Did I accept responsibility, learn from mistakes and show an ability to deal with learning challenges?

Developing new skills

  • Can I show evidence of developing my skills in this subject? Have I increased my knowledge, expertise and confidence in an existing area?

Students will also be guided in the avoidance of: 

  • General/Vague/Ambiguous comments e.g. " I must work harder"
  • Focusing on only one or two ATL areas across their reflections
  • Being negative, rather than 'failing forward', seeing how they have struggled in an area and if so what they need to specifically do to improve

Support and Resources

Students will be required to utilise an initial reflection tool to help in the writing of their reflections shown below: -

Other resources will be provided, by the tutors and teachers, according to individual requirements.