• Leadership Structure and Opportunities

Leadership Structure and Opportunities

At Dulwich College (Singapore), we encourage all students to develop and demonstrate the qualities and characteristics of effective leaders. We expect all senior students to be considerate of the welfare of younger students and to see themselves as role-models in terms of their attitude, work ethic, manners and appearance. General leadership opportunities exist in the areas of sports, Action Groups, through leading CAS projects, leading and running Academic Societies and participation in whole-school performances and College-wide events.

As a student leader in Upper Senior School, you are expected to lead and collaborate on student projects intended to develop different aspects of the College.

As well as leading and collaborating on a range of projects during the course of your time in role, you will be offered leadership skills-development and support sessions, led by people who are experienced in those areas.

USS Ambassadors and House Captains

For information of the Head Student role, please click here.

What will I have to do?

As USS Ambassadors and House Captains and the most senior student leaders in the school, it's up to you what the projects are. You might work solely with other USS Ambassadors or with student leaders from across the Senior School. Below are some examples of the types of projects we expect USS Ambassadors to lead and collaborate on.

  • Establish a Society related to your area of interest which allows students from across the school to engage with that area in a new way
  • Set up and run a brand new House event
  • Coordinate a series of lunch time activities for Mental Health Awareness week
  • Organise a sharing showcase for the DT products produced by Year 8
  • Set up and run a CCA for your area of interest
  • Set up and run a drama club for DUCKS
  • Organise a concert, performance or advocacy week to raise awareness for a particular issue or global event

How will taking on a role benefit me?

As an USS Ambassador, taking on any one of the three available roles will enable you to develop your communication, collaboration and leadership skills. Please see the table below for more information on why the roles are beneficial.

RoleGeneral InformationHow higher learning institutions view the role
Head StudentThe Head Student role allows you to demonstrate commitment to the Senior School and the students within it. As chair of the Student Council, you will support and lead the other Student Leaders in making change for the better in Senior School.

You will collaborate with and lead other students, including USS Ambassadors. You will lead assemblies and be a visible role model to all students in Senior School.

There will be opportunities for you to record some of the things you do as CAS experiences and there MAY be opportunities for your CAS project to be connected with your role.
Taking on any leadership position demonstrates commitment and enables you to develop collaboration and confidence in addition to giving you actions you can discuss as part of your application.

Many universities, especially those in the US and Canada, may want to know how you contributed to the culture and ethos of your school and this role is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate this.

The opportunity to positively influence others is particularly important and the Head Student and House Captain roles provide the perfect platform by which to do this.

House CaptainIn a similar way to the Head Student role, this role allows you to demonstrate commitment to the Senior School and the students in your House, advocating your different areas of interest through the medium of the House system.

You will collaborate with and lead other students, including USS Ambassadors, and be an advocate for the Houses and raising House spirit. You will lead assemblies and be a visible role model to all students in Senior School.

There will be opportunities for you to record some of the things you do as CAS experiences and there MAY be opportunities for your CAS project to be connected with your role.
Taking on any leadership position demonstrates commitment and enables you to develop collaboration and confidence in addition to giving you actions you can discuss as part of your application.

Many universities, especially those in the US and Canada, may want to know how you contributed to the culture and ethos of your school and this role is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate this.

The opportunity to positively influence others is particularly important and the Head Student and House Captain roles provide the perfect platform by which to do this.

USS AmbassadorThis role allows you to show a special commitment to one particular area of interest. This could be anything from an academic subject to technology to sustainability or anything other area that you feel you could make a difference.

You will collaborate with USS Ambassadors and lead small groups of students from across the Senior School in a variety of capacities.

There will be opportunities for you to record some of the things you do as CAS experiences and there MAY be opportunities for your CAS project to be connected with your role.

Taking on any leadership position demonstrates commitment and enables you to develop collaboration and confidence in addition to giving you actions you can discuss as part of your application.

If you are applying for a particular subject at university, being able to discuss actions that you have taken as an Academic Ambassador for that area is a great boost to your application.

How often do I have to be somewhere?

Wednesday lunch times will be dedicated student leadership time, so that is the main commitment. On a Wednesday you will either be:

Our Head Students meet their Junior School counterparts

  • Attending Student Council
  • Chairing or attending a meeting with other student leaders in the Upper Senior School
  • Participating in leadership development and support sessions with a member of staff
  • Meeting students with whom you are collaborating on a project

Additionally, when you are running a project you may need to meet your group or complete tasks for the project at other times.

What are the development and support sessions?

The development and support sessions will be on an AdHoc basis and responsive to your needs in role. There may be compulsory and elective sessions, allowing you to develop the leadership skills you feel you need support with.

The sessions may be run by your Head of Year, another teacher or a professional with expert know how in that area. Some of the areas that may be covered in the sessions are illustrated below.

  • Attending Student Council
  • Chairing or attending a meeting with other student leaders in the Upper Senior School
  • Participating in leadership development and support sessions with a member of staff
  • Meeting students with whom you are collaborating on a project

Additionally, when you are running a project you may need to meet your group or complete tasks for the project at other times.

What are the development and support sessions?

The development and support sessions will be on an AdHoc basis and responsive to your needs in role. There may be compulsory and elective sessions, allowing you to develop the leadership skills you feel you need support with.

The sessions may be run by your Head of Year, another teacher or a professional with expert know how in that area. Some of the areas that may be covered in the sessions are illustrated below.


Student Agency at the centre of our IB Programmes

Upper School Senior Student Leaders 2018-19

In addition, a range of leadership and responsibility positions are available to students in the Upper Senior School which present an opportunity to develop their leadership skills and sense of social responsibility, while also demonstrating the Dulwich values of being determined, courageous, skilful and gracious.*

Head Students

The two ‘Head Student’ positions are regarded as the highest positions of student leadership and responsibility. The Head Students lead the Student Council in representing ‘student voice’ on a range of issues relating to student learning and well-being across the Senior School. They are also expected to act as ambassadors and advocates of the College, and our values, in a number of capacities. The Head Students lead and support the team of Academic Ambassadors, as well as providing an important link between their peers, staff and the wider school community.

The Head Students are appointed following an application, presentation, voting and interview process.

Please follow this link for further information regarding the Head Students role.

Senior Social & Wellbeing Ambassadors 

Two Senior Social and Wellbeing Ambassadors will work closely with the Head Boy and Head Girl supporting and developing all aspects of 'life and learning' for their peers in the Upper Senior School.  Beyond this, they will also work closely with the Head of Wellbeing across the Senior School in supporting the development of both the Wellbeing curriculum and student support structures. This role will also involve liaising with the Common Room Committee in the coordination of specific systems,  events and activities aimed at helping students maintain a positive work-life-health balance.

The Senior Social and Wellbeing Ambassadors are chosen following an application and interview process.

House Captains

Each House has two House Captains, one male and one female. The House Captain team is regarded as a ‘Student Action Group’, reports to the Student Council and is overseen by the individual Heads of House. The most important aspects of this post are concerned with establishing and maintaining a positive House spirit within the school and providing inspiration and motivation at all times. House captains support the Head of House in coordinating teams for House events, as well as acting as student ambassadors at various events and functions.

House Captains are chosen by the teachers and students of their respective House following an application, presentation and voting process.

Senior Academic Ambassadors

The Senior Academic Ambassadors represent each of the IB subject groups, along with Sport and the Library. Their role is to be both a representative and ambassador for that subject group, supporting classroom-based and co-curricular activities. In collaboration with Academic Ambassadors from the lower year groups, the Senior Academic Ambassadors also take the lead in the running of academic clubs, societies and competitions. While they do not have to be the highest achieving students, the Senior Academic Ambassadors are expected to serve as role-models in terms of their enthusiasm, effort and advocacy for the learning and enrichment in their respective subjects.

Senior Academic Ambassadors are chosen by the U.S.S. leadership team and subject group leaders following an application and interview/discussion process.

Senior Global Citizenship Ambassadors

In collaboration with the Senior Academic Ambassadors and Head Students, the Senior Global Citizenship Ambassadors support the College’s commitment to promoting international mindedness and the role that DCSG students have as global citizens. They lead and coordinate awareness-raising and direct action relating to both Sustainability and Community Service.

The Senior Global Responsibility Ambassadors are chosen by the U.S.S. leadership team following an application and interview process.

Common Room Committee

The Common Room Committee (CRC) is responsible for maintaining and improving the Common Room environment, organising social events and liaising with the Senior Social & Wellbeing Ambassadors and pastoral leadership team on matters relating to the well-being of students in the Upper Senior School. Students on the ‘CRC’ also have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, teachers, parents and outside facilitators in the organising and running of key events such as Founders Day, The Graduation Ball, community service events and various enrichment activities.

Membership of the Common Room Committee is dynamic, with members appointed according to the particular needs of events and projects.

For further information about how leadership positions in the USS integrate with student leadership across the Senior School, please visit the main student leadership information pages.

*Please note, as student numbers in the Senior School continue to grow, we will be reviewing the leadership structure to ensure access and opportunities for an increased number of students. Developments of the system and selection process will be ongoing and will be shared with parents by the SS Enrichment Coordinator.