• Dress Code Upper Senior School

Dress Code Upper Senior School

Upper Senior School Dress Code

Upper Senior School students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to a school environment and in a way which maintains the high expectations of Dulwich College (Singapore). Students are expected to set an example to their peers, in the lower years, through their high standards of dress and presentation.

Upper Senior School Dress Code

  • Formal trousers or skirt (a guide for skirt length is that it should be on the knee)
  • Conventional, shirt (long or short sleeves) or top e.g. shirt or blouse (thin straps, sleeveless designs, crop tops, low-cut tops and t-shirts are not allowed)
  • Smart, formal jacket to match skirt/trousers (*Best Dress)
  • Formal socks/tights. (Leggings may also be worn under a skirt)


  • Footwear should be formal, closed-toed shoes. No trainers (except for Sport/PE activities). Shoes should be of a style that is appropriate to a school environment and should feature a low heel-height.
  • A smart, plain tie may also be worn (expected for best dress to accompany suits)
  • Students should not dress in a style which reveals under-garments.

PE Uniform

  • DCSG PE t-shirt (House t-shirt for House events)
  • DCSG PE shorts or own appropriate plain, dark shorts/leggings
  • Sports socks & trainers


  • Plain (no dominant logos/labels), dark V-neck pullover or cardigan may also be worn. Hoodies must not be worn.
  • Hair must always be clean and tidy. No extreme styles. Dyed hair should be of one, natural colour
  • Modest/discreet jewelry e.g. neck chain or simple rings
  • Earrings may be worn but should be of only a simple stud design (earrings should not present a health and safety hazard)
  • No facial/body piercings or visible tattoos
  • Make-up should be modest/discreet. Natural finger-nails only, with natural/nude colour varnish


For reasons of security and safeguarding, it is expected that students wear their Senior School lanyards at all times.

The dress code has been established after consultation with students, pastoral staff and the Heads of Senior School and College. It is expected that these guidelines will provide students with a sense of choice and expression while, at the same time, enabling them to focus more on their studies than their wardrobe. We will always support the students in making appropriate choices about how they present themselves in terms of dress and personal appearance and any issues will be discussed with the students, themselves, in the first instance. The Head of Senior School will, however, have the final say on what is/is not acceptable, and will advise on appropriate action, should it be required.

*Best Dress is worn for formal occasions, school assemblies and when representing the College in an ambassadorial role.

* Some students will also be presented with uniform items denoting positions of leadership e.g. Upper Senior School tie and blazer. These students are expected to wear these items on formal/’best dress’ occasions.