• Academic Feedback in the Upper Senior School

Academic Feedback in the Upper Senior School

Ethos of Feedback in the IB Diploma and Course Certificate Programmes

Feedback in Year 12

...Continuous Live Feedback through ManageBAC - 3/4 times minimum...

Michaelmas Term - OctoberSettling In PTSC
Michaelmas Term - NovemberProgress Check Report
Lent Term - FebruaryPost Mid-Year Exam Report
Lent Term - MarchProgress Check Report
Trinity Term - JuneEnd of Year Progress Report & PTSC

Feedback in the IB Diploma should fully involve students, who should independently take ownership of their learning and the progress they are making. They should understand:

  • how well they are achieving and progressing
  • what they need to do to improve their level of performance 
  • what methods are best for them to make improvements 

To this end we have created a feedback schedule which is timely and provides a variety of methods for feeding back to students while, most importantly, keeping parents fully involved in the process.

Feedback in Year 13
Michaelmas Term - September
EE Supervisor Progress Report
Michaelmas Term - October
Progress Check Report
Michaelmas Term - November
Lent Term - January/FebruaryPost-Mock Exams Report & PTSC
Lent Term - MarchFinal Target Based Report

It is important that our feedback places students in a position which enables them to be fully informed about their applications to University, and places them in a position to show, positively but realistically, how well they are achieving in their Upper Senior School programmes.

Students are expected to advocate for themselves and seek the advice of their tutors and subject teachers as, and when, they encounter challenges with any aspect of their Diploma studies. Each element of the feedback calendar will constitutes a key part of an ongoing dialogue which will encourage the students to develop key skills of self-regulation, reflection and target setting.

A general overview of the feedback calendar is given (to the right) with more specific details being shared with students and parents at relevant times throughout the school year.

Live Feedback through ManageBAC

Parents and students do not receive summative written subject reports, as all students will receive timely specific 'live feedback' with a focus on growth throughout the year. We utilise the IB information management system, ManageBAC, for all live feedback, in which students will receive tasks and assignments, feedback and also manage the Core of their programme including CAS, EE and TOK.

Parents will receive login details to access the ManageBAC system - so that they can view the ongoing live feedback for each of their son/daughter's subjects. The teacher may also click for important feedback to be sent via email for checkpoint summative assessments.

Parents will see - Live feedback Comments for main summative tasks

Parents will see - a bar-chart for main summative tasks marked against grading criteria

Parents will see - Unit plans and Topics for the year alongside basic details for each topic

What is Reported and How?

As an IB World school, Dulwich College (Singapore) complies with the IB ‘Programme, Standards and Practices’ that says: - “The school communicates forecasted grades to institutions (such as those to higher education institutions) and predicted grades to the IB, in ways that value academic integrity and reflect as much accuracy as possible.”

During the two years, students will receive reports which will show both 'Working At' and 'Working Towards (Predicted)' grades. Exam Grades will also be reported following the Mid Year and End of Year Exams (Y12) and the Mock Exams (Y13)

Traffic Light Progress Updates (Red/Amber/Green). Indicators given at relevant moments in the academic year to provide feedback on progress in the CORE elements of the IB Diploma:

  • Theory of Knowledge: an indicator of the level of participation and understanding of key concepts within their TOK course. Evidence will come from formative assessment of discussion and seminar activities.
  • Extended Essay: an indicator of the application, effort and deadline management within their independent EE studies. Evidence will come from meetings and reflections with EE supervisors.
  • Creativity Activity Service: an indicator as to whether students are on target regarding the number of experiences undertaken and project participation that will enable them to fulfill their CAS obligation for the IB. Evidence will come from their ManageBAC portfolio.
  • Tutor CAS Comments: Comments from their tutor will be based on a holistic view of the students general efforts, achievements and contribution to the Upper Senior School community. Tutor comments will focus primarily on CAS progress and participation.

Conferences and Coaching

PTSCs (Parent Student Teacher Conferences) will happen twice a year for each year group:

Year 12  
  • October - a 'settling in' meeting to discuss the appropriateness of options choices and whether  expected level of effort and application, in each IB subject, is being demonstrated.
  • June - after final exams to summarise the year, give guidance in terms of University applications and initial ideas for predicted grades and suggestions for work over the summer.
Year 13
  • November - To discuss general progress as the Michaelmas Term comes to an end. Also to establish key targets for Mock Exam preparations and revision.
  • February - Mock Exam review and discussion of Final Exam preparation and targets


  • Students will have bi-weekly protected time, built into their schedule, to meet with their tutor on a 1-2-1 basis. These coaching conversations will enable students to share feedback they have received from their teachers, reflect on their learning targets and consider their progress with the CORE elements of the diploma. 

CEMIBE 'Chances Graphs' and ongoing learning conversations

All IB students will sit a standardised test (CEMIBE Test) at the beginning of the programme in late September, early October. This test generates predictive data specific to expected performance in the IB Diploma.

The standardised test will be utilised in one very important way with students and communicated carefully with parents. We will utilise the CEMIBE 'chances graphs'. These simply represent the likelihood of achieving each of the 1-7 grades based on data/evidence for a student of similar ability to your son/daughter.

Chances Graphs from CEMIBE

These chances graphs will then form an integral part of a dialogue with your son/daughter regarding the grades they are receiving, how they are studying and what they need to do to improve and achieve to their highest potential. The nature of these discussions is one that is positive, focused on growth and ignores false targets and ceilings. 

Workshops will be delivered next year to explain how this works, so that both parents and students fully understand, not only how the tests work, but also how they can best utilise the data to improve their learning and achievement.