Creativity Activity Service

“If you believe in something, you must not just think or talk or write, but must act.”   Peterson (2003)

Click Play for CAS Intro from Dr Polly Clayton

The Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) component of the International Baccalaureate is part of the the core requirements of the IB Diploma and at the heart of the Diploma Programme. Participation in the IB CAS program encourages students to be involved in creative pursuits, physical activities and service experiences in the local, national and international context. Whilst mandatory, CAS will form some of their best memories and experiences for every student whilst on the IB programme here at Dulwich College (Singapore).

All students are expected to participate in CAS activities for approximately 3 to 4 hours a week during their two Upper School years. The CAS programme formally begins at the start of the Diploma Programme and continues regularly, ideally on a weekly basis, for at least 18 months with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service.

The three strands of CAS, which are often interwoven, are characterized as follows: 


A CAS experience is a specific event in which the student engages with one or more of the three CAS strands; it can be a single event (planned or unplanned) or an extended series of planned events.


Every student undertakes a CAS project which is a collaborative series of sequential CAS experiences, lasting at least one month. For a more valuable experience and sustainable impact, students are encouraged to commit to their main CAS project for up to a year. 

The project challenges you to show initiative, demonstrate perseverance, and develop skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making. The CAS project should address a combination of two or all three strands.

Students use the CAS stages as a framework for CAS experiences and the CAS project:


Students are expected to maintain and complete a CAS portfolio using an online assessment recording-keeping system (ManageBac) as evidence of their engagement with CAS. The CAS portfolio is a collection of evidence that showcases CAS experiences and their reflections; it is not formally assessed but must include evidence that all learning outcomes of CAS are met. 

There are four formal documented interviews you will have with your CAS Coordinator/Adviser. One at the beginning of the CAS programme, the second towards the end of the first year, the third at the beginning of the second year and the fourth is at the end of the CAS programme with the CAS Coordinator.


The Impact of CAS - Published IB Report

Creativity Activity Service Curriculum Brief