English Language

IGCSE Course Overview

The English Language and Literature courses are taught alongside each other: whilst exploring literary works in close detail, we also examine a range of thematically related non-fiction. Students have one class teacher for English who will guide them through both the English Language and English Literature courses. 

If you are joining in Year 10 

Y10 Non-Exam Assessments

In Year 10 students will complete a Non-Exam Assessments (NEA). These are pieces of work marked by teachers and then moderated by Oxford AQA. The Language NEA accounts for 40% of a students overall grade in that course.

Language NEA
  • A project showcasing both your skill as a researcher and writer
  • Students choose topics that they are interested in exploring or feel strongly about
  • Students use at least five source texts in their research (engagement with the sources is demonstrated through highlighting and annotating them) – a record MUST be kept of these sources
  • Students produce a piece of writing exploring their topic – the language should be sophisticated and formal, with a clear purpose, audience and form.
  • The NEA is worth 40% of your final grade
  • It is assessed by your teacher and moderated by Oxford AQA

Example past topics/titles:

The dirty truth on food marketing and our children
Solo sadness or mental stimulation? – Boys and video gaming
Space exploration: why it’s worth every penny
The influence of the fashion industry on girls’ body image
How can Art Inspire

If you are joining in Year 11

Coursework catch-up for Year 11 students


Oxford AQA IGCSE English Language