
IGCSE Course Overview:

IGCSE Course Specification:

If you are joining in Year 10:

If you are joining in Year 11:

What to do next:

If you have time, please read through the relevant textbooks below and take detailed notes

  • Year 9 - WWI (all 5 topics) and Germany (topics 1-3)
  • Year 10 - Germany (topics 4-5) and USA (all 5 topics)

There are also 15 blank knowledge organisers to fill in (one for each sub-topic). 

Once you feel confident in the content, have a go at some exam questions from the booklet below - there are exam technique PPTs attached to help you know how to approach each question. 

These tasks are all voluntary, but you have missed a considerable amount of content in History, so I recommend you do as much as you are able to!


Blank Knowledge Organisers to fill in:

Year 9 - End of Year Exam with Model Answers:

Year 10 - End of Year Exam with Model Answers:

Exam Question Pack and Exam Technique Advice: