Lisa Beazley

We are excited to be hosting Lisa Beazley as our first Coffee and Conversations author for Term 3. Lisa traded her corporate communications career for fiction writing when she moved from New York to Singapore with her husband and children.

Born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, Lisa has a journalism degree from Ohio University and has lived and worked in Cleveland, Honolulu, and New York City. When she’s not reading or writing, Lisa is sharpening her toad-catching, Lego-building, and deep-breathing skills as the mother of three young boys. Keep Me Posted is her first novel. We are really looking forward to hearing about her transition here in Singapore about the writing of her debut novel - which I have read and loved.

Read more about Lisa and her fabulous debut novel here.

Coffee and conversation, fun and frivolity with Lisa Beazley, author of Keep Me Posted in the Senior School Library.

It was such a great session this week. We can't wait to read her next book, which has an intriguing plot. Fingers crossed we can lure her back to DCSG to talk to us again about her continuing journey as an author!